Absent / Late

If your child arrives late
The school gates are locked at 9.00am; if you arrive later please enter the school via the main entrance. You will need to accompany your child and sign the Late book in reception, please complete all sections as they may have missed the class attendance and lunch registers and this information can then be passed on to the relevant member of staff. If you know in advance that your child will be late (for a medical appointment for example); please ring the school office in advance to let us know when to expect your child and whether or not they require a school meal.

Changes to collection arrangements
Please write a brief note to the class teacher if your child will be changing their normal pattern of collection from school (for example, if they normally travel on the bus and as a change of plan someone is going to collect them from school). We are aware that this may not always be possible, for example if you are unavoidably delayed and someone else will need to collect your child. In this instance please contact the school office with as much notice as possible telling us who will be collecting your child and we will endeavour to inform your child and their class teacher before the end of school.

Please telephone the school office on the first day of absence with a brief description of why your child is unable to attend school. This will enable us to enter the correct attendance mark in the register and to keep track of infectious diseases. Please remember that if your child has vomited and/or had diarrhoea they should remain absent from school for 48hrs after the last bout of vomiting/diarrhoea. This is to try to keep the spread of such illnesses to a minimum. We use this guidance - Is My Child Too Ill For School? - from the NHS to advise our community and inform our practice on absences around various illnesses. We expect our families to work with us in the best interests of the school community where there is a risk of infection of others.

Leave of Absence
It is a legal requirement for your child to attend school on a daily basis and research shows that even low levels of term time absence have an impact on children’s social and academic welfare. Head teachers are now unable to grant any leave of absence for term time holiday, however, leave can sometimes be granted for exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Head teacher. If leave of absence had been denied and you take your child out of school, you may be subject to a Penalty Notice or face prosecution in court.

If you require a Leave of Absence Form for your child, please visit the school office to collect a form or download one below.