School Dinners

Food in School 


Lunchtime is staggered across the year groups from 12:00 and 1:15pm

Children may have a school meal or packed lunch on a daily basis.

School Meals

Under the current government scheme, all children in years R – 2 are entitled to free school meals. Registers are taken daily so children may have as few or as many school meals within a week as they choose. The charge for meals for children in year 3 – 6 is currently £2.50 per day and payment must be made in advance of meals being taken.

Payment is acceptable by credit/debit card via our online payment system, School Comms. Please ask at the office if you haven't registered with School Comms using the School Gateway app. Alternatively, please navigate to the online payment system tab and view the download instructions for the School Gateway app.

You will be able to check the balance of your child’s account on School Comms or by request at the school office. Please check the account regularly to keep the account in credit. 

Packed Lunches

Please see the advice on providing a healthy, balanced packed lunch on the following pages.

 Snacks for break time

Please see the advice on healthy snacks on the following pages.

School milk

Children are currently entitled to free milk in school if they are less than 5 years old. If you would like your child to have free milk please register with our supplier, Cool Milk, via their website Older children may also have milk in school but it will not be free. If you would like your older child to have milk you will also need to register with Cool Milk via their website.

If your child receives Pupil Premium Free School Meals they are entitled to receive milk for free also. Please contact the school office in this instance.