How do we use Assessment to help your children learn?

Effective assessment provides information to improve teaching and learning. Teachers, children and parents can work together to raise standards because there are thorough, open assessment procedures in place.  We call this Assessment for Learning or AFL.  It is closely linked to our marking and feedback policy as our pupils receive regular mentoring to improve or develop their learning during our daily learning mentoring sessions with Teachers, teaching assistants, or peers.

On-going teacher assessment is the most effective way of knowing how a child is progressing. We supplement teacher assessment with tests at the end of each half-term – these are used to inform (never decide) the teacher assessments. In addition, at various stages, there are national assessments to be carried out, too, such as Year 1 phonics screening ‘checks’ and end of Key Stage 2 tests (often known as ‘SATs’). ‘Low Stakes’ testing or ‘quizzes’ are used to link to our curriculum and retrieval practice that we encourage our children to use to remember their learning. This is used to inform future learning.

All subjects are assessed by teacher assessment. In the core subjects, for example:

  • In Reading, teachers will listen to children read (assessing their fluency and ability to cope with new words) and question the children to ensure their understanding and opinions of a text are developing. They will also use other techniques including drama, reading tasks and reading comprehensions.
  • In Writing, teachers will consider pupils’ written work in books and also their contributions to whole-class and group work. As well as in the English lesson, children write in topic work and therefore teachers are able to assess children’s ability to effectively use their writing skills in wider contexts.
  • In Maths, teachers can assess skills and knowledge through methods such as marking written work, questioning (especially open-ended questions) and observing practical work.


Reporting to pupils and parents

We believe that feedback to pupils is very important as it tells them how well they have done and what they need to do next in order to improve their work. Pupils have many opportunities to reflect and discuss their progress.

We have a range of strategies that keep parents and carers fully informed of their child’s progress in school.

We offer parents and carers the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher and discuss learning and progress. During the summer term, we give all parents and carers a written report of their child’s progress and achievements during the year. In this report we also identify target areas for the next school year.

Please contact the school if you have questions or comments about any aspect of your child’s work. Staff are nearly always available for a quick discussion before or after school, or an appointment can be made for a longer meeting.